You may notice that your elderly parents are declining in their physical and mental capacities. Now is the time to talk to them about what they want and need from you. You do not need to immediately jump to the idea of guardianship. In fact, there are alternatives to adult guardianship that can allow you to help your parent without entirely taking away their independence.
It can be difficult for you to have aging parents who are experiencing some signs of not being able to fully care for themselves. Maybe they forget to pay the bills, shop for groceries or forget people. Or it could be that your parents have trouble walking, driving, and doing other physical activities. As their child, you want to protect them from elder fraud or abuse, but guardianship may seem like a drastic action that could cause conflict between you and your parent.
While your parent can mostly care for themself, you can take steps to help them without applying for full guardianship. Some alternatives to adult guardianship are:
You may not need to apply for full guardianship over your parents yet. But now is the time to talk to them about their limitations and future. Do they have a will in place? What are their decisions concerning medical care? You need to understand your parent’s estate plan.
An estate plan may sound fancy, but it is simply comprised of legal documents that state a person’s wishes of how they want to handle their financial and medical care now and in the future.
An estate plan should include at least these 3 documents:
Of course, many more items can be included in an estate plan. Talk with an experienced guardianship attorney today to help you properly care for your parents.
Talk to the experienced attorneys at the Estate and Probate Legal Group. We can help you and your parents plan for and protect their future. Contact us today at 630-864-5835.
AREAS WE SERVE: Cook, DuPage, Kane, Lake and Will counties