Illinois is going all-out to get every resident counted in the 2020 census. The George Washington Institute of Public Policy says Illinois lost $122 million in federal health funding during the last census which showed a drop in the state’s population. The United States Census Bureau says 16 % of Illinoisans are hard to count, and estimates that Illinois residents were undercounted by 59,800 in 2010:
• children under 5 were under-counted by 36,000
• immigrants were under-counted due to government mistrust
• lack of internet access in low-income and rural areas, resulting in lack of information about the census
• retirees spend the winter in warmer climates and often aren’t in Illinois when the census is taken
Hospitals and emergency healthcare centers and social services programs that provide assistance to senior citizens receive federal funds based on the census count. In Illinois, a 1% undercount in the 2020 census would conservatively amount to a $1.2B cut in Medicaid Funding alone. This year, Illinois is spending more than it ever has before making sure everyone is counted in the 2020 census, including $29 million from Springfield, $4 million from Cook County, and $2.7 million from the city of Chicago.
Census Day is April 1, 2020
For the first time, in 2020 the U.S. Census Bureau will accept responses online. Every household will still be sent mailings, but 80% of households will be invited to complete the census form online, rather than fill out and send back to the government. Visit to learn more about the 2020 Census – how to respond, and why it matters.
Federal health funding affects everyone in Illinois, but especially the elderly or infirm. An experienced Illinois elder law attorney can explain applicable laws and advise you on the best options to protect the interests of senior citizens. Contact the Estate & Probate Legal Group at 630-800-0112.