Where Should You Store Your Will?

  • Wills
Where Should You Store Your Will? | Mario Godoy | Chicago Estate & Probate Lawyer

Once you make a will, what is the best option to safely keep the original copy of your will? Having a will is not very helpful if no one knows it exists, or where you stored it. Aretha Franklin recently made headlines when she died without a will – then several months later, 3 wills were found – one under the sofa cushions!

When you die, your will may have very important information about how you want your estate handled – including information about planning your funeral. Too often the deceased’s wishes aren’t known until after the funeral, because no one knew where to find the will.

Safety Deposit Box

For older people, a safety deposit box at the bank is a logical place to keep your will. Banks are a place of safety, but they can also be hard to access. They aren’t open all the time, and you need explicit authorization or keys to access the contents.

Home Safe

A fire-proof home safe can safely protect your important paperwork in most situations, but it could be stolen, or damaged or even lost in a flood or devastating fire. 


Storing your will with your lawyer can be a safe, smart strategy to make sure the will is protected – as long as your key family members know you have a will, a lawyer and who that lawyer is.

Protect Your Will

Where ever you choose to store your will for safekeeping, there are important steps you should take to make sure your wishes are followed:

  1. Inform key family and friends that you have a will.
  2. Provide a close friend, the executor of your estate or key family members with detailed written information on where you will is stored, make them a co-owner of your safety deposit box and tell them and how to open a safe such as codes, keys or passwords. 
  3. Ask your estates lawyer what they recommend. A local lawyer will know the laws for your state, and will probably have 1st-hand experience with what can go wrong, and how you can avoid problems with your executor finding and following the instructions in your will.

Making a will doesn’t have to be complicated. An experienced estate and probate lawyer can guide you through the process so nothing is overlooked, and you can be sure that your will complies with Illinois probate laws.

To talk to a probate, trust and estates attorney in Chicago or Lombard about how to make and store your will, contact the Estate & Probate Legal Group at (630) 800-0112.