Do I Need a Confidentiality Waiver in My Estate Plan?

  • Estate Planning
  • Power of Attorney
  • Trusts
  • Wills
do i need a confidentiality waiver in my estate plan | estate and probate legal group

Estate planning is not only for those with large houses and mega assets. In fact, it’s something every individual needs. Estate planning is simply having all necessary legal documents in order for your future. You can make sure you and your loved ones are taken care of when you become incapacitated or pass away. Adding a confidentiality waiver may complete your estate plan.

What is a Confidentiality Waiver?

Confidentiality waivers grant certain people access to your medical or financial information. Even though you have a power of attorney or a health care directive, hospitals may deny your designated person access to your records. Your confidentiality waiver usually solves this problem.

Rules and regulations concerning releasing medical information vary from state to state and hospital to hospital. So be sure to check with your estate planning attorney to make sure your loved ones have the tools they need.

What is Included in an Estate Plan?

Being ready for the future means more than simply writing a will. It is a compilation of your legal documents and ensures they work together. An estate plan includes 3 main documents:

  1. A Will or Trust – directs how assets are distributed upon your death
  2. Powers of Attorney – allowing someone to act on your behalf for financial and medical decisions
  3. Health Care Directive – lets your medical wishes be known

But should a 4th document be added to this list? Speak with your attorney about taking your estate plan one step further with a confidentiality waiver.

Working With Estate and Probate Legal Group

You need someone who can explain the ins and outs of estate planning, and we can do that for you. At Estate and Probate Legal Group, we do more than simply draft your will. We help determine what is best for you.

Do you need a will or a trust? When should you have a confidentiality waiver? Who should you name as your power of attorney? We can answer these and all of your questions. We will listen to your concerns and help you establish an estate plan specifically designed just for you.

Oak Brook Estate Planning Attorney

If you have questions about a confidentiality waiver or other estate planning topics, please contact us to schedule a free consultation. To learn how an estate planning lawyer could help you, call us for a consultation at 630-864-5835.

Areas we serve: Cook, DuPage, Kane, Lake and Will counties.