Many people make errors when writing their will, but not having a will is possibly the biggest mistake. And having a will that is not done right might be just as bad. It can be uncomfortable for people to think about their mortality. But many find it empowering to have a say in the distribution of their assets. If you are about to start (or you already have one), avoid these top 3 mistakes people make on their wills.
AARP estimates that 60% of Americans don’t have a will. So, if you have a will, you’re doing better than many people. But you want to ensure you have a will that will actually do what you want and properly distribute your assets after you’re gone. A poorly written will causes confusion and allows for people to contest your will and fight over your assets. That’s not what you want. You want a will that is well-written and concise and ensures your wishes are followed after you have passed away. Therefore, you want to avoid these errors.
Top 3 mistakes people make on their wills:
We could also list procrastination, but that is a bad trait, not a mistake of your will. Don’t procrastinate and think you can write or update your will ‘later’ or ‘someday.’ Today is the perfect time to make an appointment with an experienced estate planning attorney.
Making a will doesn’t have to be complicated. An experienced estate and probate lawyer can guide you through the process so you don’t overlook anything. And you can be sure that your will complies with Illinois probate laws.
To talk to a probate, trust and estates attorney. Contact the Estate & Probate Legal Group at (630) 864-5835
AREAS WE SERVE: Cook, DuPage, Kane, Lake and Will counties